Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why Is A-Rod Such A Bag of Shit?

I am a New York Yankees fan.

I have been since third grade.

Sure the organization has had it's ups and downs over the past few years, and is always the center of attention.

It draws attention not only because it is the greatest sports franchise ever, but also because of more controversial things.

Things like an outrageous amount of money paid to it's players, and more recently, certain players accused of taking steroids.

The biggest name that has been thrown into the mix lately is superstar Alex Rodriguez.

Alex Rodriguez first hit the headlines when he was given an OUTRAGEOUS contract. A contract that he didn't, and doesn't, deserve.

After being traded to the Yankees, he has really become a huge pile of shit.

People told me that he was going to be the savior of the Yankees and lead them to a World Series championship.

This of course was not the case. A-Rod has been nothing but an immense disappointment his entire tenure with the Yankees.

Just recently he has admitted to taking steroids during the 2003 season. This of course is just one more thing that makes him the bitch that he is.

He went on and spoke with Katie Couric about the whole ordeal and asked her for career advice.

Yeah, real good A-Rod, you stupid bastard.

NOW, he has come out with a number of photos published by Details Magazine that make him look like a bigger faggot than he already does.

There is a picture of him making out with himself in the mirror. Not only does this photo show how obsessed he is with himself, it also outs him and shows the world that he is secretly homosexual and wants nothing more than to have sex with other well built Latin men.

Here is the photo.

Seriously Gay-Rod. You are a shit face.

Why don't you quit being such a stupid prick and play some fucking baseball.

Quit fucking my team and other men. You are ruining the sport of baseball.

Stupid dick face.

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